Life, which is one despite which is everywhere, in every place, in every seed, in every tree, in every breath, and which is beyond everything. It is that much complex, contrary it is the most simple form. It is the only existence of this holy creation, and here I’m just a part of this life.
After finding a lot, I spotted something crystal clear in my life, which makes it so much easier to enjoy this journey. Life itself is full of joy, happiness, and ecstasy: all these are there; the only thing is that they are just waiting for your attention. And why not, undoubtedly, life is a precious gift to us, then is it not deserve a little attention for betterment, absolutely yes.
That is the reason, I did an inner engineering course online. Inner engineering sounds something odd right, yea because, we all have vast knowledge in various engineering, but very few in inner engineering. We are always busy with our lots of outer staff while forgetting about the fundamentals. That is why this life becomes so silly compared to other fancy material. But it’s not, life itself is everything, others just a few ingredients, these are not life.
Understanding life should be the first and foremost lesson for each and everyone, otherwise, you just missed the beauty of it. However, let me share my experience and understanding from this priceless inner engineering course, which makes my life more obvious, more rhythmic, and more peaceful than ever before.
This inner engineering online, designed by isha foundation and instructed by Sadhguru, a New York Times Bestselling Author, he is a Yogi, Mystic & Visionary. However, this course structure is divide into seven distinctive sessions. So I will try to summarize my understanding and will explain it in seven different parts. Let’s get started!
First: Mechanics of Life
Mind where there is no such thing for division and subtraction, there is only addition and multiplication. What it means is you can’t just erase anything from your mind when you try to do this your mind will make it multiples. So leave it as it is and try to use it consciously.
Every action of your body and mind consumes some portion of energy that you don’t even notice. If you increase your consciousness, only then you can notice: how much nonsense you are doing regularly.
Yes, it’s so simple but extremely enlightening, as the first session just blew my mind. Let’s go ahead.
Second: The Only Bondage
Desire is life, which means everything, but it is the only reason for all misery also. Now, the big question is how we should conduct this desire.
Again consciousness, we should handle it consciously not compulsively, that means you only should act for your desire, don’t concentrate at the objectivity of it. In other words, the act is something you do consciously, whereas the reaction is something you do compulsively. Remember, one important form of consciousness is action, not the reaction.
One more important thing is we all should live as an existential being, not as a psychological being. Because when we can realize that our existence by itself is a great source of happiness, then we do not focus on a few small thoughts that make us miserable all the time.
Third: To Live and to Live Totally
In this session Sadhguru spoke about experimenting with Responsibility. Up until now, you have been responsible only for aspects you think you can act upon. What we are looking at is, though your action is limited, your ability to respond is limitless. Based on this, consciously enhance your ability to respond and see how your ability to function in the world will find seamless expansion in many different ways, subject to the realities in which you exist and the life situations that you encounter.
Most importantly, look at your inner experience: see how exuberant, alive, joyful, peaceful, and loving you are becoming and any other inner transformation that you may notice when you see that your responsibility is limitless.
Fourth: You Are Not What You Think
There is a common factor for Happiness, that is if you want something which is there right now you are happy.
This time, being aware of the inevitability of this moment is just about realizing that all that is there right now is all there is; it cannot be any other way. Not to mistake psychological fluctuations for reality. In this, there is tremendous relief from the unnecessary resistance to that which you cannot change. But above all, there is the empowerment of creating your life the way you want it: by accepting this moment, creating the next moment is in your hands.
From this moment onwards, observe the impact of this awareness on the way you are and everything that you do. Because of the way it is the way it is.
Fifth: Mind – The Miracle
You should not control this mind, but you should liberate it to its fullest possibility. Controlling means make it limited, which should not happen with your mind. There are four parts of your mind: Cognition (Vinyana), recognition(Sanya), Sensation(Vedana), Reaction(Sankara).
All the Karma (action, effect, fate) attached to that type of sensation in the past will begin to crumble within you. So, if you maintain an equanimous mind, then karma will begin to collapse. Now equanimous, it’s simple when you are accepting what is there right now, your mind is equanimous.
Karma is not fatalism. Karma is completely taking charge of your life, so you should not, and even you can not avoid it, so you should embrace it the way it is so that it will work for you not against you.
Again you neither liking it nor disliking it, experiencing everything the way it is means you experience life entirely. Remember, freedom doesn’t mean you can do what you like or dislike, it means you can do whatever is there right now.
Sixth: Sounds of Creation
It is very important that you are aware of the nature of vibrations that it causes. Because we know the holy creation comes from a sound.
Every form has a sound attached to it. Every sound has a form attached to it. This relationship between a form and a sound is known as the science of Mantras. So, a pure sound is referred to as a Mantra, the corresponding form is the Yantra, and the technology of using these two things together is called Tantra.
Wherever is sound, there is silence. Silence is the basis of all sound. Silence means nothing, whereas sound means something. Without this nothingness or silence, you can’t do any dynamic activities or sounds in your life. So keeping balance between these two things is very important.
The sounds ‘Aaa’, ‘Ooo’ and ‘Mmm’ are known to be the three basic sounds of existence. In other words, this ‘AUM’ sound is also called universal sound. When you utter the sound ‘AUM’, you will notice the reverberations moving from the navel to the tip of the nose.
Seventh: Creating What You Want
It is only by involvement you know life. If you make the rules your own, there is an involvement that allows you such a grand experience of life. So involved in this life, involve totally!
Remember these three things all the time:
- Your responsibility is limitless
- This moment is inevitable the way it is the way it is.
- This body, this mind is just a gathering, this is not you.
I hope it might make you think about your life again. However, for clarification, I just disclose my thoughts and understanding here, nothing else. But this course is more than that, I strongly recommend to anyone (above 15 years of age) to give it a try. It will be worthwhile, undoubtedly. One more thing, to let you know that there is nothing personal, I’m not affiliating or referring for any kind of compensation, I’m just doing it for the sake of humanity.
Stay Happy!